This is my 3D Shooter project for the Game Design and Development 3: 3D Shooter course from MSU and Coursera. The modifications I made for the game include:

  • Fleshed out sections 2 & 3 of Level 1 with additional enemy spawners and environments to create a more challenging level
  • Changed the color of the skybox for Level 2 to fit the atmosphere of the boss fight
  • Added an additional set of environments that spawn after the boss is defeated in Level 2 in order for the level to properly tie in with Level 3
  • Created an entirely new Level 3 that is based off of the escape sequences from Metroid games that includes new music from the aforementioned game. The level is entirely indoors and the player must navigate a maze of rooms and hallways to find the keys and exit the level. (Attempted to create a timer that resulted in a game over when it ran out but failed to get it to work before the deadline. The prefab and script I created are still included in the project files, however)
  • Increased the player's jump height in order to compensate for the lack of a double jump
  • Fleshed out the about section of the main menu with a story synopsiscontrol description, and additional credits for music used


Created by Emanuel Mesak

The musical track "Escape" is used from Super Metroid by Nintendo. All credit and ownership goes to them for creating the music


Bug Blaster (Windows).zip 79 MB
Bug Blaster (Mac).zip 88 MB

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