This is my 2D Shooter project for the Game Design and Development 1: 2D Shooter course on Coursera from MSU. The modifications I made include:

  • Added a background and updated the title of my game for the main menu
  • Fleshed out the instructions menu with a short description of the game's story background, controls, and level descriptions
  • Made Level 1 an homage to Galaga by putting the enemies in the same formation as the first level of that game and changing their colors. All 20 enemies have to be defeated to progress and the player's health has been increased to 5 to make it more balanced. The music and background were kept the same as the tutorial
  • Level 2 is more of a survival mode with player being surrounded by eight enemy spawners coming out of either the alien ship or black hole art asset in a more open map. The player has to defeat 100 enemies to continue and has 5 health and 5 lives to do so. Also changed the background and music of this level
  • Level 3 is the final boss of the game. I increased the scale and health of 3 regular enemy assets to make them into the final and mini-bosses of the game. The player has to defeat them and the chasers they spawn in order to beat the game, but they only have 1 health and 1 life to do so for added challenge. Once again, the background art and music were changed for this level


Created by Emanuel Mesak


Not Galaga (Windows).zip 39 MB
Not Galaga (Mac).zip 49 MB

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